Pool Cues

Pool Cues can become an addiction when you are totally into billiards.

What kind of Pool Cues do you prefer?

Do you have a collection of Billiards Cues?

Are you looking to find your first Billiard Cue?

This page is a review based on opinions from a long time pool player. You will find links to other pages about cues.

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Foolow this link and check out another page about Pool Cues.


Check out the Pool Stick that I shoot with pictured below.

The cue pictured is a Joss East. I ave been playing with this cue for a little over a year now. When I bought this cue it had a Mauri tip on it. After wearing that tip out I went to a good old fashioned La Pro. (hard tip)

It took me quite some time to get accustomed to this cue. Prior to this one I was shooting with a very inexpensive cue. (KC Custom Cue) I had some work done to this cue. I had a new joint and ferrule put on this KC Custom cue which served me well.

I now use the KC Custom cue as a break stick. Last night I was playing an APA league match against a skill level 6 player. I had to beat him 5 games to 4. The old break cue felt so good that I used it to clean up the last few racks.

In addition to the 2 mentioned above, I have a Meucci, Mcdermott, Player, Gibson and a few other types of custom Pool Cues. I also have a couple of Jump Cues, A combo jump break cue and several one piece house cues.

This link will take you to another Pool Cues Page


What Makes for good Pool Cues?

In my personal opinion, a good Billiards Cue has to have a nice solid hit. It drives me crazy when there is like a ting or ping sound when I stroke the ball. (kind of like a click sound)

The most common recommendations that I have found in regards to size and weight is a 19 ounce cue with a 13 millimeter shaft. I always try to stay close to these measurements.

When I was younger I played with a Meucci. I had the same guy replace my tips for many years. He would return my pool cue and the shaft would be smooth and like new. I did not realize that he was sanding the shaft a little every time. Over the years the shaft became about 11 millimeters from all the sanding. I have this cue put away now because I want to keep it nice. I became pretty good with that skinny shaft however.

The average length of a cue is around 58 inches. I put a snooker shaft on the old Meucci which made it a few inches longer and an ounce or so heavier. The same guy sanded this one down a bit also.

Check out “8 Ball Secrets” with the Link Below.

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Follow this link for Wikipedia and search for pool or billiards cues.

Are You Working on Your Pool Game?

Follow this link for Free 7 part Pool and Billiards Fundamental Training.

Here is another Pool Stick Page.

This link takes you to my Billiards Blog Billiard Cue Article.